
The drumbeat has started.
A spark has been struck and now the fire is burning,
Spreading across the land, it is carried
In a relay race of hope and fury
Not just from city to city, but across the ocean
To be kindled in foreign torches, burning just as brightly
As the ones who started them.

In Boston
The flag falls to the ground –
Déjà vu back to 1968,
A time many of the torch-bearers do not remember
But one just as many do,
As they take to the streets once more.

The day of the conqueror has come and went
But his scars will never fade no matter how hard
Some people squint to try and obfuscate them.
Land that was free was occupied, was occupied,
…and is occupied again.
Let’s make it right this time.
Bring justice to Turtle Island at last;
Listen to the voices of the men and woman before you,
Who came before you,
On no boat.

Sway to the drumbeat, the one being tapped out
By our African and Latino brothers and sisters
As they raise their voice from the dirt they
Have been grounded into.
Let everyone become effective communicators
By learning how to listen.

The future is uncertain, but it is still worth fighting for.
Our swords are our signs as We The People
Pick up and display our Common Sense once more.
Let no one voice be excluded from our cry
For we are all in this together
Wanting those same lofty ideals promised to us
More than a hundred years ago.

We hold these truths to be self-evident.
We are the 99%.